In partnership with Soccer Without Borders, a member organization of the streetfootballworld, the Global 5 Accelerator project was instrumental in promoting gender equality by increasing girls and young women participation in football for good initiatives. Two thematic focus areas were female coaches’ training and female ambassadors’ profiling. The outcome of this was increased female participation across the organogram of an organisation, inclusivity of women from marginalized communities and young women. Girls living with disabilities were also reached and 100 girls in total participated in the program. 10 female community coaches from Makindu and Musemwa villages in Cherangany Ward, Transnzoia County were trained to provide quality football and life-skill activities in their communities. The training used learner centred approach and focused on strengthening positive attitude, sharpening skills and expanding knowledge on football and life-skills. The female community coaches were empowered to organize and lead fun football and life-skills activities in inclusive safe spaces. The project enhanced confidence and high self-esteem among young girls and female coaches on and off the pitch.
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